Activity Based Learning for Kindergarten
NatureNurture labs have garnered appreciation for their ability to bring stream labs into classrooms, allowing learners & educators free & frequent use of materials that support learning. The labs were initially set up to encourage activity-based learning in India but now the company is taking it to next level by introducing it every stage of modern education system.
Activity-based learning is an excellent solution for schools to aid their traditional education methods with a modern and advanced learning approach that brings confidence, healthy competition, innovation and creativity amongst students.
1. Engaged Learners: Focus lies on the child as an active learner & primacy is given to learners’ experiences, voices & participation. Aids & activities encourage them to relate learning to their immediate environment. Inter-disciplinary & thematic linkages are made using educational aids. Being brightly illustrated & easy to handle, learners connect immediately & need little help/guidance to use them.
The materials & activities aid learners of different learning styles & intelligences. Activity-based learning activities not only makes learning fun but also helps the child to retain the knowledge and classroom learnings in their mind for long.
They are suited for children with special needs. The phonic kit & dominos make it easy for children with learning difficulties to learn numbers, read & spell. Abstract concepts like money are made concrete with currency notes. These aids are ideal for activity based learning.
2. Transformed Classrooms: Classrooms where NatureNurture stream labs are being used are visibly transformed spaces. There is enough material in each set to engage every learner meaningfully & integrate domains like language, health & safety, environment & ecology, technology, gender sensitivity & numeracy. Using activity based learning, India and its young leaders can thrive in a globally and technologically evolving world.
3. Empowered Educators: This expansive resource has been designed keeping in mind needs of educators. Meticulously mapped with the school’s curriculum, it aids the educators to enhance the teaching learning process. Each of these aids is customised to suit different demographic, social & educational needs of schools and gives educators space, time & freedom to explore further, thus aiding innovation. Eg: the contents on the food plate differ for schools in Kashmir and West Bengal.
Educators are provided detailed plans that help develop learners’ ability to think, reason, visualize abstractions & solve problems, along with nurturing curiosity & creativity. The activities based learning is also suitably modified to adapt to the diverse needs. Economically viable for management: the NatureNurture labs are inexpensive options to more expensive educational aids & space consuming labs.